There's a strange robot who can work for you tireless, for dirt cheap, and excited to accept any command, but isn’t necessarily competent at a lot of tasks.

You can deploy them as a lone intern to help with basic things, or launch an entire AI workforce conducting a whole operation.

Let me help you get started.

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Onboarding Your First AI Intern

Generative AI Workshop

You will get:

  • What is the inner workings of ChatGPT? And other generative AI tools.

  • What is a "Large Language Models"?

  • History of Prompting: training, fine-tuning, X-shot-learning, and the nature of prompt.

  • How to properly “onboard your AI intern”?

Just like any new recruit, you are going to have to learn their strengths and weaknesses; you are going to have to train and work with them; and you as a manager is going to have to get a sense of where it is useful and where it is just annoying.

With all human knowledge at the fingertips, professionals using AI have shown up to 80% higher productivity, and generally feel happier to offload the boring parts of their work. That is a big incentive to learn to work with your “AI intern”.

It has rapidly become a cliché: "AI won't replace you; [Professionals] who use AI will replace [Professionals] who don't." This statement holds some truth: AI is a genuine productivity multiplier. Mastering its use will significantly amplify your work, regardless of your field of expertise.

Designing Your Future AI Workforce

Executive Design Sprint

We will explore:

  • Examine your bespoke case study.

  • Alternative to Partner-or-Perish with AI providers

  • “Treasure hunt” for unique data and industry expertise your business possess for specialized AI

  • Understanding the potentials and risks of integrating AI on business workflows.

From buying ChatGPT subscriptions for all of your employees, like what one CEO did, to investing $10 billion in OpenAI like Microsoft, what are your options as a company in this third (and maybe final) AI wave? Do you have to partner or perish? Like Chegg, who lost 50% of its market value to, but ultimately partnered with, ChatGPT.

How does a company decide when and at what extent to integrate AI into their business operations?

By integrating AI into your business, you can automate tedious tasks, improve decision-making with data-driven insights, and create new products or services that were previously unimaginable. Whether you are a startup or a well-established corporation, this Design Sprint will empower you to make informed decisions about AI adoption and its potential impact on your workflow and business model.